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GLT Staff Conference

Monday 20 February is the date for our annual Girls' Learning Trust Staff Conference, and we're very pleased that we’re all able to meet together in person for the first time in three years. The conference will take place at Nonsuch High School for Girls.

We will be using the day for professional learning and reflection: to celebrate everything we have going on across the Trust internally, as well as looking outwards to show how our work is supported by, and can contribute to, external stakeholders.

Centred around our Trust Strategic objectives, our theme this year is:

Students and staff as innovators, risk-takers and creators

  • Considering what we are preparing our students for and how: engagement with learning, not just outcomes; gaining social and cultural capital; overcoming barriers presented by intersectional aspects of class, accessibility, race and gender.
  • Teachers as researchers: engaging with and/or in research and collaboration to further develop repertoire and provide professional development.
  • Excellence in staff development within our Trust.

The morning session includes a range of insightful and engaging keynote speakers, with the afternoon focussing on a series of CPD and Schools4Schools sessions, sharing best practice across our team. This will include a range of sessions for our support staff within school and our shared services team.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone on 20 February.

Jen Smith


Tagged  Staff Development